
Jesus came to give life & life that is good. A follower has access to joy, peace and all the fruits of the Spirit which are found through fellowship with Him. This state of being is the default state of being. This is not to say that followers cannot be sad, angry, or other emotions (these are not a sin), but those are not the base (Psalm 16:11, Philippians 4:6-7, 1 Peter 1:8, Galatians 5:22-23, Romans 14:17). If you are struggling with anything and not living a life of joy and peace the following are some suggestions to help you get back:

  • Remember how much Jesus loves you and that you are accepted

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to mind why you are struggling with whatever it is 

  • Take refuge in Jesus. Spend time in His presence, fix your eyes on Him and enjoy fellowship with Him

  • Take authority against any spirits or principalities that may be harassing you