
There is only one thing that hinders a person’s relationship with Jesus, their own choices. The hindrance is one’s own choices and decisions which lead one away from intimacy with Jesus. In particular 3 groups try to get us to choose things that lead us away from God and the life He gives: Satan/Demons, the World, and the Flesh (Ephesians 2:2-3, James 4:7, 1 John 2:16-17, Galatians 5:16, John 10:10). Because of the Lord’s grace we have a relationship with Him and full access to Him by the blood of Jesus, even when we commit a sin (wow!). There are situations and things in life that can make it feel difficult to have a relationship with Jesus. These situations cannot hinder the person from having a close relationship with Him. (Romans 8:35-39, Ephesians 2:8-9, James 1:7, 4-8, Mark 4:16-19, 1 John 2:16). All hindrances of relationship with Jesus are at their base sin (not being in God’s will), but to help the reader some categories of hindrances are given:

  • 悔い改めていない罪:自分の考えや行動が神のみこころにそぐわないことを知りながら、それを間違っていると認めない、あるいは改めようとしないとき(第1ヨハネ1:9、使徒17:30)

  • 赦さないこと:私たちが進んで借金を帳消しにしないことを選んだり、誰かに腹を立てたり、恨んだりすることを選んだりするとき(マタイ5:22、6:15)

  • 正体不明の嘘:ある真理を全身全霊で信じていないとき(ヨハネ8:31-32、コロサイ2:8)

  • 断ち切られていない罪/呪い:あなたの上に語られた呪い、またはあなた自身の上に語られた呪い(あなたは○○であり、○○はイエスがあなたのことを思っていない何かである)。また、家系を通じて受け継がれる世代的な罪や呪いもある(出エジプト20:5-6、34:6-7)。

  • 癒されていない傷:過去の過ちや損害が私たちの存在を傷つけ、癒されていない場合。これにはトラウマや拒絶が含まれる(マタイ13:15、詩篇147:3)。

  • 明け渡されていない領域:私たちが人生の一部分を支配しようとするとき(マタイ7:21、16:24)

Fixing these areas will also help you in your relationship with other people too! Addressing any of the hindrances above is quite simple and not at all complicated! The blood of Jesus covers all those areas! He is faithful to complete the work He started in you, He will do it. Also, being transparent with others and being prayed for is powerful! As you grow in intimacy with Jesus and understand more of who you are, sin will become less. Jesus gave us the potential to never sin again! (Revelation 12:11, 1 John 1:5-10, 3:6-9, Matthew 6:15, 1 Peter 2:24, Galatians 3:13-14, Philippians 1:6, 2:13, James 5:16, Proverbs 28:13, Hebrews 10:26).


Individual: Ask Jesus to bring to mind an area of your life where you are not in alignment with His will. Then ask Him what needs to be done in that area of your life. Often it is to replace a lie with the truth and to trust that He will deal with that particular area!

Group: There is a lot of healing & freedom that can come from being open with others. With a group of people you trust:

  • as a group, ask the Holy Spirit what needs to be brought into the open for an individual.

  • Share anything that is revealed for that individual and pray for them